This first video is taken in Vermont from a 1st person point of view. Check out minute 1:24 to see a perfectly executed cast. Instead of focusing on catching big fish, this video reminds us of the beautiful places chasing wild trout can take us.
Next up is a video that shows just how far one will go to land a monster trout! Make sure to watch this one all the way through.
I'm not humble enough to go without sharing one of our personal videos. After stalking and casting to this riser for 30 minutes, I decided to give him a rest and turn the camera on. As you'll see, it still took a little more work to bring him to the net.
Note: This one was taken from the bank because I didn't have anyone to hold the camera for me, so the angle isn't great. Regardless, you can still see how tough this fish was to cast to. If you run out of patience and want to go straight to the take, check out minute 3:44.
This next video is from one of our favorite dry fly fishing duos, Dave and Amelia Jensen. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all stalk 2 monster browns like these! You can check out more of their videos at
Last but not least is another personal video, once again shot from the bank. This nice wild brown wasn't feeling too photogenic, and almost slipped right out of my hands before I could get his picture.
Although 2020 was an interesting year, these videos are proof that as long as we take care of our wild trout populations, they will still rise to the surface regardless of whatever baloney is on the news!
Cheers and happy New Year!
Noses Up!